Reference Marloes van der Laan

Communications Manager Uber

Reason for learning French

‘I want to be able to understand French newspapers and speak with French journalists. I work in Brussels two days a week and English alone isn’t enough to get by there!’


‘I have an individual language course of ten days in total. My programme is completely focused on what I need to learn. In my daily private lessons, we pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, social conversation and my job. What’s particularly useful is that the trainers have read up on my industry and are genuinely curious about Uber and what my work there entails. We use up-to-date articles about Uber in the lessons, but we also talk about general subjects such as the tenor of the press and the trade unions in both France and the French-speaking part of Belgium. That’s the advantage of having native speakers as trainers.’


‘My knowledge of French came back fairly quickly after not having had French lessons in over twelve years. The more I progress, the easier it gets. Despite the fact that the programme revolves completely around me, I notice that I’m part of a much bigger programme. Regina Coeli offers a very inspiring environment to learn in.’

What about you?

Would you like to learn to speak French, like Marloes did? Then take a look at the information about the French course or contact us directly.

  • Call us during office hours on ~31 (0)73 - 684 87 90
  • Fill in the contact form and we will contact you.
  • Read more about the French course

Are you interested in language and career?

Just leave your email address with us and we will be happy to keep you informed.

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