From our blog

News, developments and articles from Regina Coeli

13 december 2022

Learning Italian for life in Italy

Most Regina Coeli course members learn a foreign language for work. Not Peter and Nan. They are enthusiastic Italy-goers and spent a week in Vught learning Italian so they could enjoy their time in Italy even more.

9 februari 2021

Take a journey by reading a book

When you were in school, you probably frequently heard that reading books was good for your language development. No matter how much education has changed, schools still really promote reading, so an idea that has survived all these years must have some merit to it, you might say. In fact, reading books helps you develop your language skills even when you learn a foreign language as an adult.

14 oktober 2020

Ten tips for doing business in Italy

Italy has one of the largest economies in Europe, but not one of the most accessible. Sometimes, it can be challenging to get your foot in the door there, not only because of the numerous regulations but also because of culture. So, what works when doing business with Italians? Regina Coeli’s Italian language trainers have put together these ten cultural tips to help you succeed in Italy.

25 juni 2020

Writing emails in Italian

How often do you need to write emails in Italian? If you don’t do it regularly, we have some tips and example sentences to get you started quickly.

19 juni 2020

Learn to speak fluent Italian

You’d think that once you’ve taken an Italian course, you’d be able to conjure up a reasonable sentence or two in the language, yet—more often than not—people end up lost for words as soon as an Italian starts busily gesticulating and conversing with them. There you find yourself, with all that grammar and vocabulary knowledge...

26 maart 2017

What is the difference in Italian between ‘buono’ and ‘bene’?

People learning Italian sometimes use the words ‘buono’ and ‘bene’ incorrectly. They associate ‘buono’ with eating well and ‘bene’ with how good the food is. Unfortunately this doesn’t work in Italian.

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